Auren positioned in IAB Latin American & Europe rankings


Auren got the 20th position, both in fee data and staff surveys, improving last year results by one. Regarding regional surveys, Auren improved its positions both in Mexico and Colombia. We participated for the first time in Chile, getting an excellent 8th position. In Argentina, our first time as well, Auren achieved the 7th (fee data) and 8th position (staff).

Consequently, in 2016, we were ranked between the best 20 firms in all Latin America, we have made a significant progress in the regional surveys, a great success and another reason to keep growing in one of the regions in which we are more represented.

In the regional European rankings, Auren reached an excellent 6th position in Spain, improving by one its last year result. Auren Germany and The Netherlands also improved their positions

In the next chart, we can see this information summarized and the comparison between 2015 and 2016.