


Saling and purches online worldwide

We are providing our services to businesses and individuals who are making their incomes from digital trade- partly or fully. We are also advising businesses and individuals considering starting digital trade as a way of producing income to come and advice our experts, to estimate and build a plan while doing so.

Digital trade became much easier thanks to the E-commerce and the usage of a digital platform to allow worldwide trade possible.

If you have any digital trade activity: E-commerce trade as part of your site or as an E-commerce store, using the net to make an income with drop-shipping, affiliate programs or any other way. You should come to us so we can help you manage your trade correctly.

The OECD organization started to take action and is setting some regularities required regarding the digital trade. So there are still some complications on the way, but there active steps taken in order to supervise the international market and tax the services and goodies property internationally.

We are providing tax services for digital traders. We are advising individuals and businesses, our experts have an extensive experience with drop-shipping sealers, advising those who are considering entering the online trade world. Come and meet our experts, be on the safe side do not hope not to be caught.