Financial audits

Examination of the basic financial statements of the company or of any legal entity, based on a series of previously established standards, producing as a result the publication of an independent opinion on whether the financial statements are reasonable, accurate, complete and presented with a reference framework for financial reports.

These are auditing procedures that comprise: investigations, evaluations, business risk factor studies, assessment of legal, accounting, financial, tax, labour, commercial, production-related aspects, as well as forecasts and contingencies; the outcome allows investment decisions to be focused. Furthermore, the procedures previously agreed are considered to be a process for studying and analysing documents and information, in order to obtain a detailed picture of the company and thus have a series of tools enabling a correct sale or purchase decision to be taken at any particular time.


  1. Since the issuance of Decree 302 of 2015, containing Information Assurance Rules (IAR), the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) has been included. 
  2. Those procedures previously agreed fall within the international standards on related services, which can be applied to other works related to non-financial information, providing the auditor has appropriate knowledge of the issues relating to the commission and criteria exist on which the auditor may base their conclusions.
  3. Furthermore, the compiling of the financial information usually comprising the financial statements (not necessarily a complete set of financial statements, but possibly one or more), collecting, classifying and summarising information. ISRS 4400 (formerly IAR 920) and 4410 (formerly IAR 930) have now been issued.

What do we do?

We have designed a service in accordance with market trends, through suitable techniques and appropriate analyses of information. On the basis that the procedures previously agreed do not comprise an Audit, the necessary knowledge is needed in order to establish the main differences, and so direct the work in order to support the client and provide it with added value.

The main purpose of the procedures previously agreed is to reduce the risk of the transactions, providing the investor with an assessment of the company in order to take purchasing decisions, through exchanges of information, investigation into recurring and/or sporadic transactions affecting the business, determining potential contingencies, etc.  This is in order to issue a report providing the greatest decision-taking support.