Cost consulting

Procedures allowing the Company to know in detail the value of both the outlays and of the other imputations inherent in each of the processes in the creation of a product, whether tangible or intangible.


  • Determining the Costing System to be implemented, based on the needs of each company and the complexity of the operations.
  • Determining the inducers for a correct cost allocation throughout the value chain.
  • Defining fixed, variable, direct and indirect costs.
  • Establishing the policies, procedures, handbooks and documented formats guaranteeing the uniformity of the processes.
  • Information generated from the accounting system which is complete, appropriate and reliable.
  • Providing cost reports for measuring profit and evaluating inventory (income statement and balance sheet).
  • Offering information for the administrative control of the operations and activities of the company (control reports).
  • Providing information to management to provide a basis for planning and decision-taking (special studies and analyses).
  • Reviewing the organisational structure and each of the processes
  • The functions assigned to the positions involved in the production processes.
  • Procedures necessary for making the organisation more efficient.

What do we do?

Implement a Costing System for each of the processes, aimed at their correct classification, accumulation, control and assignation, as well as the valuation and the control of the different states of the inventories and degree of completion of each product.

A good cost control system provides a reliable basis for determining profit, for profit planning and for controlling and taking decisions.